Tiffany Latrice Williams

Civic Innovation Fellow 2016-2017 // Civic Innovation Resident 2019

Tila studios

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The mission of TILA Studios is to empower black women artists to create and showcase their art.


TILA Studios is a co-working and community space for Black Women Artists to collaborate and receive feedback on their work. The studio serves as an agency for black women artists, creating opportunities for them to showcase their work, and runs workshops, retreats, and other programming to encourage artistic growth. TILA also launched the Above Four campaign which works to tackle the statistic that a mere 4% of art across museums and galleries is created by black women, empowering an underserved creative class to disrupt the industry.


Tiffany Latrice has an extensive background in the visual arts and has exhibited her work in galleries and museums across the country. She was named Leading Lady for C4 Atlanta’s women’s history month blog featuring trailblazing women in the arts in Atlanta. ABL Radio and High Noble Society blogs listed her as one of the top artist to watch in Atlanta, highlighting her work with TILA Studios in 2017. Tiffany opened TILA Studios after moving from New York to Atlanta to help overcome several of the barriers black woman artists face by building a network, offering affordable studio space, and creating opportunities to display and curate art. Tiffany is also a Teaching Artist at Hickory Hills Elementary in Marietta, GA and an after-school art teacher at S.L. Lewis Elementary in College Park.
