Breanna Rice + Naida Hill

Naida Hill

Naida Hill

Breanna Rice

Breanna Rice



CODEBLACK’s mission is to provide a tech fellowship that will allow girls to create their own projects, learns basic CS concepts and share the idea that a career in tech holds several possibilities.


CODEBLACK is a non-profit organization that works towards providing girls the experience, exposure and confidence needed to enter the tech industry. In response to the lack of STEM opportunities and exposures for girls, CODEBLACK provides a tech fellowship on the Spelman College Campus that introduced Computer Science and web development skills to young girls of color. The program was piloted during the CODEBLACK team’s fellowship at CCI.


CODEBLACK is an organization that was formed by two Booker T. Washington High School graduates (C’15) and now Spelman Dual Degree Engineering-Computer Science students. Despite the long hours of self-teach themselves all they could about Computer Science and coding, they realized they had not obtained certain skills needed as they were transitioning into Spelman's curriculum. Many of their peers had been introduced to the technology field years before attending Spelman. As a result, the Co-Founders felt like they were behind the curve, not just coding wise, but professionally. The technical field is very vast and board and as two students that only knew the basics, they were not well verse in that arena. Therefore, CODEBLACK was developed to be that space that cultivate young girls into the growing economy by making sure that they are prepared skill-wise and professionally.