Leadership Breakfast with Terri Lee

During our last Leadership Breakfast, we got to sip coffee and talk to Terri Lee, City of Atlanta’s first Chief Housing Officer, a proven community development professional and operations strategist. Don't worry if you didn't make it because here are our 5 favorite quotes from the talk.


"The promise is, we are going to make housing affordable, equitable, and resilient. Do I have every answer to this? No, but I do know that just one person can't do it. It will take the effort of the non-profit community, for-profit community, government, and from the support of people right here in this room. It will take transparent, accountable, technical, and tangible investment."

Government cannot do it all by itself - we are the leader and facilitator in the process- and we have to utilize strategic partnerships in this process.
— Terri Lee


“You have to have an order based on intentionality - we have to understand what residents want. We need to have a mechanism in place to help reduce home ownership taxing.”

It’s not just about housing, it’s about community development. Housing is a stabilizing factor, but if you have a lack of transportation or failing school system, you cannot have a sustainable community.
— Terri Lee

Watch the full video of our Leadership Breakfast with Terri Lee here.

